The success and survival of your credit union depend on focusing on the member experience. Improving the member experience should be a realistic and sincere goal so here are five things you can do to achieve it:
- See Things Through The Member’s Eyes – How do people interact with your credit union staff? What is confusing? What can be made simpler?
- Respond to Complaints – Look at complaints as constructive criticism/learning opportunities. Take care of the complaint and take the steps so it doesn’t happen again.
- Be Honest – If you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it. Then, get the answer from the right person.
- Build a Relationship – Create personal interaction with people on an individual basis. Listen first and ask about them and their family. Everyone loves fast service, but don’t lose sight of how much it means when people feel you care about them as a person. Send a follow-up note or email to show that you are invested in your members.
- Promote a Service Culture – Make sure all departments in the credit union are focused on delivering great member service.
A member knowing that their voice is heard can be a major step in improving your member experience. Discovering pain points and addressing them will help differentiate your credit union and substantiate the claim of “People Helping People.” Consider including a short survey in your quarterly newsletter or designing a returnable statement insert survey to gain insight into your member experience.